Beautiful quotes of life that’ll keep you motivated

Beautiful quotes of life 

that’ll keep you 


One should understand that the life is a combination of ups and downs, we should be able to accept them and go happily with flow. Indeed happy life is a successful journey. Not all days will be favourable for us, there may be times that make us sad and lead to disappointment, but only a bad day, not a bad life! We only have one life to live. Live it to the fullest!

Life is full of beauty. In those disappointing and sad days we may need to be gently pushed to see the whole life of its glory. 

Here are some of the best beautiful quotes with images about Life 

Live simply. Dream big. Be grateful. Give love. Laugh lots.

Change is the law of nature, where there is motion, there is life.

Every moment of life is love and beauty. – Keegan Allen

We are so busy running around, we miss the simplest most beautiful things. The cycle of life passes us by, unnoticed, unappreciated.
– Roz Swartz Williams

Decide to be a lifetime learner. Learning in life is living.

Love yourself, life will be fine and happy. Life is beautiful live it to the full, love is abundance share it with your friends. – Venessa Nanthakumaran

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. – Omar Khayyam

Life is shorter than you think. You are here for a reason. Live accordingly.

A new morning of a new day and I opened my eyes to see, the beautiful surroundings and clouds in the sky that’s layered so neat. Birds chirping away as they embrace a new day. I can see the ocean in view, as I see a day opened up to new. – Marcelle Hinkson

It’s meaning in your life that causes you to have ideas that will help people. – Jal Tucher

life Quotes Motivational

When life brings you down, remember it wants to lift you up!

Happiness is enjoying the little things in life.

Stay away from people who give a lot of excuses and apologize. You’re not meant to gather and burry your life with disappointments. 
– Dodinsky

Love the mystery of your life and let the magic of your dreams unfold.

If you can see the positive side to everything, you’ll be able to live a much richer life than others.

Embrace your life’s journey.

Life is too short to argue and fight. Count your blessings. Love your family and friends that are always there. Smile more. Make the most every day.

Nobody is worth stressing over. People come and go. Move on and go find yourself, the world is all yours. Life goes on.

As I look on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better.

5 things you will never recover in life: 
1. A stone after its thrown.
2. A word after it’s said.
3. An occasion after it’s missed.
4. Time after its gone.
5. Trust after it’s lost.

Tomorrow is not promised for anyone, so right now I want to say thank you for being in my life.

Happiness is enjoying the little things in life.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. – Albert Einstein

For too much of my life. I’ve apologized when I wasn’t wrong, all to make the situation better. I’m not going to be that person anymore. 
– Samantha King

Letting go isn’t the end. It is the beginning of a fresh start, a new life.

Life is about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. Trust but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself.

Life is like a football game,
The moment you focus shifts on how other’s are playing you miss your goal!

You raise the vibration of the world when you live your life with joy.

Never blame anyone in your life.
Good people give you happiness.
Bad people give you experience.
Worst people give you lesson &
Best people give you memories.

In the end people will judge you anyway. So don’t live your life impressing others. Live your life impressing yourself.

Don’t try to prove yourself to people… Focus on your goals and the right people will come into your life.

Attitude is what helps you get the most out of your life & be successful regardless of what the odds might be.

New energy is entering your life.
Changes are happening for you.
Things are getting better.
Everything is aligning.
Blessings are coming.

Life will throw you off balance, but a grateful heart won’t let that stop you.

We waste our whole life preparing for the future, not realizing that only way to be happy is to embrace each moment.

If these beautiful life quotes have helped you in anyway, please take a second to share them on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Also, please give me some suggestions and feedback through your comments.